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Plivanje MP3 playera

Slušanje glazbe ili podcasta tijekom treninga nekada je bio luksuz u kojem su mogli uživati samo kopneni sportaši poput trkača i biciklista.

But not any more! There have been incredible developments in waterproof MP3 player technology over the past few years, meaning swimmers can also benefit from hearing their favourite songs while under water.

You can now buy a waterproof MP3 player for swimming along with waterproof headphones, helping those long solo training sessions go by a little bit quicker.

Plivajući MP3 uređaj ima sve funkcije standardnog uređaja, osim što se udobno spaja na vaš remen za naočale.

Swimming with a waterproof MP3 player can not only relieve boredom during long swims, but it can also improve your rhythm, stamina and mood.

Zamislite scenu. Približavate se kraju duge sesije, a iskušenje je završiti nekoliko dužina ranije. Svi smo bili tamo, zar ne? Pa, ako koristite podvodni MP3 uređaj, možete pronaći svoje omiljene pjesme i napajanje!

If you fancy a change from music, a waterproof MP3 player can also be used for podcasts or audiobooks. Swimming MP3 players such as the FINIS Duo support all unprotected MP3 and WMA audio files.

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